Table 3: Stress Factors and Coping Behaviors in Association with Sense of Coherence (SOC).
range of scale Mean ± SD Correlation of SOC
Stress factors
F1: Relationships with teachers and clinical instructors (4-16) 6.7±3.7 -0.25**
F2: Lack of knowledge and skills (3-12) 8.9±1.8 -0.17*
F3: Reflecting on patient-care experiences (3-12) 9.4±1.8 -0.14*
F4: Relationships with patients, families, and health care staff (4-16) 7.6±2.3 -0.20*
F5: Conferences (2-8) 6.1±1.3 -0.14
F6: Peer relationships (2-8) 2.7±1.0 -0.05
F7: Daily planning in clinical practice (2-8) 5.5±1.3 -0.17*
Coping behaviors
Changing point of view (3-12) 8.2±2.0 0.01
Changing mood (3-12) 8.6±2.1 0.50**
Emotional expression involving others (3-12) 5.6±1.8 0.46**
Avoidance and suppression (3-12) 8.1±2.2 -0.18**
Seeking help to solve problems (3-12) 8.8±2.0 0.60**
Proactive problem-solving (3-12) 9.6±1.6 0.64**