Table 7: Significant differences were seen with Zarit Caregiver Burden, Depressive Symptoms Scal and Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale.
Aggressive (n) Passive (n) Zarit Caregiver Burden Depressive Symptoms Scale Rosenberg Self Esteem Scale
Solve the problem type + Assistance request type 7 27 -1.985
Z *
Solve the problem type + Careful supervision and waiting type 2 18 -2.284
Z *
Avoidance and emotional type + Transformation cognitive type 8 35 -2.32
Z *
Transformation cognitive type + Careful supervision and waiting type 4 2 -2
Z *
Avoidance and emotional type passive (n) others(n) -2.489
Z 79 195 **
Transformation cognitive type aggressive (n) others (n) -3.002
Z 29 245 **
Careful supervision and waiting type aggressive (n) others(n) -1.943 -2.327
Z 11 263 * *
Careful supervision and waiting type aggressive (n) passive (n) -1.982 -2.323
Z 12 14 * *
Mann-Whitney U *p<0.05 **p<0.01