Table 3: The knowledge of students regarding brain death.
Information about brain death Grade 1 students Grade 4 students Statistical evaluation
N (%) N (%) χ2 p
Has information about brain death been provided within the course of nursing education?
Yes 69 (24) 221 (76) 122.799 0.000
No 156 (72) 59 (28)
Partly 127 (53) 111 (47)
Do you think that brain death is the death of a person/it is irreversible?
Yes 146 (36) 262 (64) 49.024 0.000
No 113 (63) 67 (37)
Uncertain 93 (60) 62 (40)
Do you approve organ transplantation from a donor with brain death?
Yes 145 (36) 252 (64) 40.270 0.000
No 87 (60) 58 (40)
Uncertain 120 (60) 81 (40)