Figure 1: Detailed procedure of sesame oil application Sesame oil was applied for 14 days by swabbing with cotton swab more than 3 times a day after ordinary oral hygiene, such as gargling or tooth brushing. Subjects in Sesame oil group received detailed explanation and demonstration of the procedure of sesame oil application.

  1. Dispense approximately 1 mL of sesame oil into sterilized tube.
  2. Dip the cotton swab into sesame oil and remove excess sesame oil by pressing the cotton swab lightly on the tube wall.
  3. Spread sesame oil on both buccal and lingual side of upper gingiva (①,②).
  4. Spread sesame oil on both buccal and lingual side of lo lower gingiva (③,④).
  5. Dip the cotton swab into sesame oil again.
  6. Spread sesame oil on tongue surface (⑤).
  7. Swab upper palate (⑥).

figure 1