Table 3: Nursing student's knowledge about neonatal resuscitation.
Ability of nursing students to answer the following questions after reading a written scenario about neonate needs resuscitation No %
Student nurse ability to decide right action to resuscitate the neonate in the written scenario
Right decision 22 55.0
Wrong decision 18 45.0
Nursing students ability to identify the duration of their action
Right duration 36 90.0
Wrong duration 4 10.0
Nursing students knowledge about the parameters used to re-evaluate this neonate
Right parameters 30 75.0
Wrong parameters 10 25.0
Student nurse ability to decide right action to resuscitate the neonate in the written scenario
Right decision 32 80.0
Wrong decision 8 20.0
Nursing students knowledge of chest compression to ventilation ratio
Right ratio 39 97.5
Wrong ratio 1 2.5
Nursing students knowledge of the time needed to assess heart rate
Right time 14 35.0
Wrong time 26 65.0