Table 2: Design of the horticultural activities program.
Time Content
1-2min Welcome participants to activities
5min Introductions
5min Taking care of plant & observations, sensory stimulation
15-20min Start vegetables from seed that germinate easily and are easy to grow
Transplant flowers into individual pots, puring and harvesting of plants
Closing ceremony
5min Purning and harvesting of plants
1-2min Closing ceremony
Session Schedule
Work to arouse memories New work
Week 1 Seeding of redish
Week 2 Thinning of radish Seeding of baby leaf
Week 3 Fertilizer to the redish Transplant chrysanthemum
Week 4 Thinning of baby leaf Seeding white radish sprouts
Week 5 Harvesting of white redish sprouts
Week 6 Harvesting of redish and baby leaf