Table 1: Clinical and Viral Backgrounds of Patients in Each Three Groups.
Abbreviations: AST, aspartate aminotransferase; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; MBL,Mannose binding lectin. Note: Comparisons of continuous variables such as ALT, AST, platelet and HBV-DNA count among three groups were made by the Kruskal-Wallis Test, and P < 0.05 was accepted assignificant.
Groups Group 1 Active Hepatitis B (n:30) Group 2 Inactive Hepatitis B (n:20) Group 3 control (n:21) p
Sex(M:F) 16/14 8/12 11/10 0.621
Age, years old(mean±SD) 45±14.1 41.8±10.9 45.6±12.7 0.50
Serum AST(IU/L), (mean±SD) 61±55.5 26.9±19.8 22.6±8.8 <0.001
Serum ALT (IUL) (mean±SD) 86.8±83.5 31.5±29.8 22.4±11.9 <0.001
Platelet(×103/L), (mean) 177.500 211.250 240.750 0.002
HBeAg(negative), N(%) 26(86.7) 20(100) 21(100) 0.058
HBV DNA titer, mean (IU/mL) 1.471.683 504.9 0.0 <0.001
MBl ng/ml, (mean/SD) 2857.3±2040.03 2463.9±1915.4 1865.04±265.6 0.344