Table 5: Incidence of lymphedema and its association to study variables.
35 Groins (22 patients) excluded due to follow up < 6 months.
† Cochran-Armitage trend test, ‡ Pearson Chi Square Test.
Total patients 311
Total groins 490
No of groins (no of patients) Complication per groin (per patient) % per groin (% per patient) P value
No of nodes removed
≤ 4 nodes 94 (76) 16 (13) 17% (17.1%) 0.0026†
5 – 8 nodes 160 (140) 52 (47) 32.5% (33.5%) (0.0003)
9 + nodes 236 (180) 87 (78) 36.9% (43.3%)
Age groups
≤ 50 years 72 (48) 19 (18) 26.4%(37.5%) 0.217‡
51 – 70 years 174(109) 64 (48) 36.8% (44%) (0.707)
> 70 years 244 (154) 72 (60) 29.5% (39.1%)
With drain 323 (193) 100 (82) 31% (42.5%) 0.576‡
Without drain 167 (118) 55 (44) 32.9% (37.3%) (0.821)
Current Smokers 115 (74) 38 (31) 33% (41.2%) 0.799‡
Past smokers 72 (43) 25 (18) 34.7% (41.8%) (0.955)
Non-smokers 303 (194) 93 (77) 30.7% (39.7%)
BMI < 30 359 (224) 102 (81) 28.4% (36.1%) 0.011‡
BMI ≥ 30 131 (87) 53 (46) 40.5% (52.9%) (0.015)