Table 1: Bioaugmentation of high concentration of oil sludge (20% v/v) by LIBeM consortia using different delivery techniques for 56 days treatment period.
Treatment Plot/Delivery techniques Selected LIBeM
LIBeM-LIQ : 2 kg of oil sludge-contaminated soil were treated with LIBeM-LIQ C. tropicalis-RETL-Cr1+C. violaceum-MAB-Cr1 + P. aeruginosa- BAS-Cr1
LIBeM-POW : 2 kg of oil sludge-contaminated soil were treated with LIBeM-POW C. tropicalis- RETL-Cr1+C. violaceum- MAB-Cr1 + P. aeruginosa- BAS-Cr1
LIBeM-CAP : 2 kg of oil sludge-contaminated soil were treated with LIBeM-CAP C. tropicalis-RETL-Cr1+C. violaceum-MAB-Cr1 + P. aeruginosa- BAS-Cr1
NA (Control plot) : 2 kg of oil sludge-contaminated soil were treated with indigenous microorganisms in soil. No inoculation of LIBeM into the soil.