Table 10: Generated groups for evaluation of σRB and IRB.
Y – Yes; - – No; G1- Group 1; G2- Group 2; G3- Group 3; G4- Group 4.
Parameter Symbol σRB IRB
G1 G2 G3 G4
Depth (m) H Y Y Y Y
Unixial Compressive Strength (MPa) UCS Y Y Y Y
Deformability modulus (GPa) E Y Y Y Y
Horizontal in situ stress (loading face) (MPa) σh1 Y Y - -
Horizontal in situ stress (unloading face) (MPa) σh2 Y Y - -
Vertical stress due to overburden σv Y Y - -
Percentage of clay (%) Cl - Y - -
Percentage of quartz (%) Q - Y - -
Percentage of feldspar (%) F - Y - -
Percentage of calcite (%) Ca - Y - -
Percentage of carbon (%) Cb - Y - Y
Volume of the sample Vol - Y - -
Rockburst maximum stress (MPa) σRB - - Y Y
Ratio between average horizontal stresses and σv K - - Y Y