Table 1: Weigh of abdominal fat (AF), adrenal glands (AD) and activity of citrate synthase (CS) was measure at the end. Values are represented as mean ± SD obtained from more than 6 rats in each group. Control with normal (C-NF) and with high fat food (C-HF); stress treatment with normal (ST-NF) and high fat food (ST-HF).
AF (%) AD (%) CF (U/mg)
C-NF 5.28±1.9 0.032±0.004 89.56±20.1
C-HF 4.81±1.0 0.037±0.003 74.45±9.3
ST-NF 4.81±1.0 0.03±0.007 75.45±9.3
ST-HF 4.92±1.2 0.032±0.004 88.41±13.7