Table 2: Plasma levels of SDF1α and other parameters in 39 patients with type 2 diabetes.

Values are expressed as mean±SD, ACR values are expressed in median and extremes, #: stastistical difference vs. Pre-treatment , *: stastical difference vs. Non-inhibitor group , SDF1: stromal cell-derived factor 1 alpha, HOMA-IR: Homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, NGSP: Revised by the Glycohemoglobin Standarization Program, eGFR: estimated glomerular filtration rate
Pre-treatment Non-inhibitor group DPP4 inhibitor group
n=19 n=20
SDF1α [Mmol/L] 210.3±69.3 204.5±70.4
Thrombomodulin [FU/mL] 3.11±1.04 3.15±1.26
HOMA-IR 2.63±2.29 2.54±2.98
Hemoglobin A1c(NGSP) 7.28±1.44 7.26±1.22
8-hydroxydexyguanosine [%] 36.7±13.1 40.0±13.9
eGFR [Ng/mmolCr] 74.0±25.9 68.9±19.9
Albumin creatinnine ratio [mL/min] 4.68±3.85 5.51±5.18
Median(interquartile range) [Mg/mmolCr] 2.36(0.97-7.00) 3.81(1.75-6.78)
Post-treatment (P value#) (P value#)
SDF1α [mmol/L] 207.0±63.4 (0.9302) 355.1±80.1# (0.0001#)
Thrombomodulin [FU/mL] 2.99±1.22 (0.7478) 2.88±1.13 (0.4993)
HOMA-IR 2.56±1.65 (0.7258) 2.12±2.67 (0.3049)
Hemoglobin A1c(NGSP) [%] 7.26±1.25 (0.9766) 6.23±1.42 (0.2050)
8-hydroxydexyguanosine [ng/mmolCr] 35.9±11.8 (0.8380) 27.6±10.4 (0.5552)
eGFR [ml/min] 73.6±24.4 (0.8955) 64.7±21.3 (0.3914)
Albumin creatinnine ratio [mg/mmolCr] 4.99±7.76 3.25±4.46
Median(interquartile range) 2.41(0.44-5.95) (0.7042) 2.13#(0.85-3.01) (0.042#)
%alteration (P value*)
SDF1α 98±23 174±38* (<0.0001*)
Thrombomodulin 96±11 91±13* (0.0143)
HOMA-IR 97±94 83±85 (0.0841)
Hemoglobin A1c(NGSP) 100±7 86±8* (0.0003*)
8-hydroxydexyguanosine 99±19 69±26* (0.0009*)
eGFR 99±11 94±10* (0.0005*)
107±82 59±39* (0.0007*)