Table 2: Summary of the primary energy-saving properties of the WC4 building used in this study.
Roof Infrared reflective asphalt shingle
Roof deck Radiant barrier
Roof deck ventilation 2.54cm (1 inch) expanded polystyrene (EPS) and 2.54cm air space
Attic RUS-50 blown-fiber insulation, 40.6cm (16 inches) on-center framing, with radiant barrier
Cladding Acrylic stucco and stack stone
Wall RUS-30 EPS exterior insulation with ½” plywood, 40.6cm (16 inches) on-center
Wall cavity Low-emittance foil facing gypsum board
Window Triple-pane, low emittance, Argon gas filled
Floor 61cm (24 inch) on-center framing with ductwork between the two floors
Foundation Sealed crawlspace with RUS-10 polyisocyanurate foil-faced insulation
Weather resistive barrier Liquid applied
Foundation wall Spray-applied, polymer-enhanced asphalt to the exterior block wall
Equipment Energy Star rated clothes washer, refrigerator and dishwasher
Air conditioning system Dual capacity, variable speed blower, SEER 18.4; HSPF 9.1 air-source heat pump
Water heating Prototype heat pump water heater
Lighting Solid state, highly-efficient LEDs