Table 1: Standard specifications of an electrodialyzer and standard operating conditions.
Flow-pass thickness of desalting and concentrating cells a 0.05 cm
Flow-pass width of desalting and concentrating cells b 100 cm
Flow-pass length of desalting and concentrating cells l 100 cm
Number of cell pairs N 300 cm
Cell voltage Vcell 0.4 V/pairs
Salt concentration at the inlets of desalting and concentrating cells C'in = C”in 2000 ppm
Linear velocity at the inlets of desalting cells u'in 10 cm/s
Linear velocity at the inlets of concentrating cells u'in 1 cm/s
Temperature T 250C
Standard deviation of a solution velocity ratio in desalting cells 0.1
Distance between spacer rods χ 0.3 cm
Crossing angle between spacer rods θ π/3 radian
Number of slots and ducts in desalting cells n' 5
Width of slots in dessalting cells w's 4 cm
Length of slots in desalting cells h's 4 cm
Width of ducts in desalting cells w'd 4 cm
Length of ducts in desalting cells h'd 4 cm
Number of slots and ducts in cencentrating cells n" 2
Width of slots in concentrating cells w"s 2 cm
Length of slots in concentrating cells h"s 4 cm
Width of ducts in concentrating cells w"d 2 cm
Length of ducts in concentrating cells h"d 2 cm