Table 1: Estimate of Non-study Cigarettes per Day (CPD) with Data from Denlinger et al. [12].
* Midpoint of the range for 50 top-selling cigarettes (927 to 1390 μg/g tobacco).
Data from Denlinger et al.
Cigarette VLNC (0.4mg/g) UB
Yield(per gram of tobacco filler)
Nicotine (mg) 0.295 16.5
Anatabine (μg) 30 1158.5*
CPD 28.3 20.09
(nmol/mg creatinine) Non-study CPD Estimate
Nicotine 0.47 11.47 0.3
TNE 3.45 63.38 0.6
Cotinine 1.23 17.79 0.9
Anatabine 0.003 0.06 0.4