Table 1: Clinical features and hemodynamic parameters of patients and healthy controls (Age displayed as median and interquartile range, the other variables as means±SD). LED: L-DOPA equivalent dose calculated according to Tomlinson et al., 2010 [13], n.a.: not applicable,
*statistically significant comparison.
PD Patients Controls p value
Subjects (Male/Female) 12 (9/3) 11(11/0)
Age (years) 62 (IQ: 51-77) 59 (IQ: 48-65) 0.347
Disease duration (years) 5.8±2.4 n.a.
Daily LED (mg) 600±200 n.a.
Hypertension (n. of cases, %) 1 (8,3%) 3 (27,3%) 0.261
Smoking (yes/no) 3 (25%) 2 (18,2%) 0.545
Mean BP (mmHg) 99±17 86±12 *0.033
Heart Rate 80±15 63±9 *0.002
Basal Mean Blood Flow Velocity (cm/s) 43±15 52±8 0.069
BHI 0.92±0.30 1.40±0.44 *0.007