Table 1: Characteristics of the study participants and their parents.
Data presented as number (%)
Characteristics No. (%) of participants
Female 256 (52.6 )
Male 231 (47.4)
Geographic distribution
Beirut 92 (18.9)
Mount Lebanon 66 (13.5)
North 133 (27.2)
South 82 (17.0)
Bekaa 114 (23.4)
BMI categories
Normal weight 372 (76.4)
Overweight 64 (13.1)
Obese 51 (10.5)
Family Income ($)
< 500 249 (51.1)
500 -1000 145 (29.8)
1001-1500 64 (13.2)
>1500 29 (5.9)
Parents education level
Illiterate 14 (2.8)
Elementary 86(17.7)
Intermediate 175(36.0)
Secondary 126 (25.8)
University 86 (17.7)
Mothers Work
Working Mother 65 (13.3)
House Wife 422 (86.7)