Table 1: Database and search strategy.
Database Search strategy
Medline (("Fat Emulsions, Intravenous"[Mesh]) OR "Parenteral Nutrition"[Mesh]) AND "Fatty Acids, Omega-3"[Mesh]) AND "Randomized Controlled Trial" [Publication Type]
Embase 'fat emulsions intravenous'/exp OR 'fat emulsions intravenous' OR 'parenteral nutrition'/exp OR 'parenteral nutrition' OR 'total parenteral nutrition'/exp OR 'total parenteral nutrition' OR 'lipid emulsion'/exp OR 'lipid emulsion' AND 'omega 3 fatty acid'/exp OR 'omega 3 fatty acid' OR 'fish oil'/exp OR 'fish oil' AND 'randomized controlled trial (topic)’ AND 'human’
Cochrane MeSH descriptor: ([Fat Emulsions, Intravenous] OR [Parenteral Nutrition] AND [Fish Oils] OR [Fatty Acids, Omega-3]) explode all trees.