Table 5: Quantification of total flavonoids (TF) and total phenols (TP).
DIC conditions P: saturated steam pressure, t: thermal treatment time, C: number of cycles; CP 8 (DIC-CP) Central Points.TF: Total flavonoids; TP: Total phenols; RM yields: Yields from untextured raw material; DIC-M yields: Yields from DIC-textured leaves.
Trial N° P (MPa) t (s) C TF (mg CatE/g db) TP (mg GAE/g db) TF (%) TP (%)
Raw material (RM) 10.40± 0.37 101.37± 0.54 100% 100%
CP 8 (DIC-CP) 0.35 120 4 17.65±0.49 143.77±3.05 170%±5% 142%±3%
DIC1 0.2 180 5 17.28 126.42 166% 125%
DIC2 0.1 120 4 14.44 128.59 139% 127%
DIC3 0.35 19 4 14.76 128.42 142% 127%
DIC5 0.5 60 5 19.10 180.40 184% 178%
DIC7 0.2 180 3 13.82 124.42 133% 123%
DIC8 0.5 180 3 16.92 127.59 163% 126%
DIC10 0.35 120 2 15.07 133.27 145% 131%
DIC12 0.2 60 5 18.57 160.47 179% 158%
DIC13 0.2 60 3 12.95 114.23 125% 113%
DIC14 0.35 120 6 25.03 229.75 241% 227%
DIC16 0.6 120 4 11.35 101.43 109% 100%
DIC19 0.5 180 5 26.01 217.22 250% 214%
DIC20 0.35 221 4 14.53 112.73 140% 111%
DIC22 0.5 60 3 14.83 107.88 143% 106%