Table 4: Baseline and post feeding levels of fecal secretory Ig A, urinary hydrxyproline index and thiobarbituric acid among the children classified according to dietary supplements.
Six children per group; Means ± standard error; Mean values are significantly different (P < 0.05), if within the same row they don’t share the same alphabet (ANOVA, Duncan test).
Parameter Control Placebo Probiotic yoghurt Sour Sobya
Day 0 Day 21 Day 0 Day 21 Day 0 Day 21 Day 0 Day 21
Stool Ig A, mg/g wet feces 3.24ef ± 0.16 3.20ef ± 0.13 3.59de ± 0.14 4.06c ± 0.19 2.94f ± 0.23 4.73b ± 0.14 3.84cd ± 0.18 5.5a ± 0.11
HPRO-I 2.33c ± 0.57 2.74c ± 0.30 2.43c ± 0.79 2.95c ± 0.62 2.62c ± 0.44 9.4a ± 1.14 1.95c ± 0.53 6.77b ± 1.37
U-TBA, μg /g creatinine 172.0a ± 8.44 191.0ab ± 17.91 132.6 bc ± 11.84 143.0b ± 9.43 140.7b ± 6.06 58.1d ± 4.18 109.1c ± 4.36 50d ± 9.45