Table 2: Major components determined by FT-NIR in 24 samples of Serra Estrela cheese, by cheese producer.
Values presented as mean ± standard deviation; for each parameter, values with different letters are significantly different (Tukey, p < 0.05); FT-NIR: near infrared spectroscopy technology; SE: Serra Estrela; Q1-Q6: Serra Estrela cheese producers.
SE cheese producers FT-NIR parameters (%)
Humidity Total fat Total protein Salt
Q1 45.77±2.24a 28.88±2.03d 19.75±0.65a 1.13±0.13bc
Q2 46.90±0.97ab 29.64±0.44d 19.00±0.30a 0.90±0.09a
Q3 51.87±1.04c 21.85±1.08b 21.29±1.50b 0.96±0.24abc
Q4 47.19±2.07ab 25.63±1.57c 22.58±1.31bc 0.96±0.19ab
Q5 49.03±3.45b 20.46±2.80ab 24.48±1.83d 1.77±0.27d
Q6 52.21±1.16c 19.00±0.99a 23.18±1.31cd 1.18±0.36c