Table 2: Different types of patient treatment.
MP: patients under Medication Prescription; DP: patients under diatery Prescription; PA: patients under regular Physical Activity; MP+PA: patients under Medication Prescription and regular Physical Activity; DP+PA: patients under diatery Prescription and regular Physical Activity; MP+DP: patients under Medication Prescription and diatery Prescription; MP+DP+PA: patients under Medication Prescription, diatery Prescription and regular Physical Activity.
Type of treatment Percentage of all diabetics Age Sex
< 40 years> 40 years M F
DP (n = 6809) 39% 18% 82% 40% 60%
MP (n = 9207) 54% 19% 81% 45% 55%
PA (n = 1205) 7% 21% 79% 42% 58
MP+PA (n = 10412) 61% 20% 80% 43% 57
DP+PA (n = 8014) 46% 19% 81% 41% 59
MP+DP (n = 16016) 93% 18% 82% 43% 57%
MP+DP+PA (n = 17221) 100% 18% 82% 43% 57%