Table 5: Multivariate logistic regression analysis for factors associated with Low birth weight.
Low Birth Weight Univariate analysis Multivariate analysis
Mothers schooling OR 95 % CI P-value OR 95 % CI P-value
Illiterate 0.61 0.29-1.27 0.191 0.68 0.19-2.41 0.548
Primary (1-5 years) 0.79 0.36-1.76 0.573 1.06 0.30-3.72 0.927
Secondary (6-10 years)+Highest (10+ years) Ref.
Fathers schooling
Illiterate 0.39 0.11-1.39 0.15 0.23 0.04-1.23 0.087
Primary (1-5 years) 0.31 0.08-1.22 0.095 0.22 0.04-1.32 0.097
Secondary (6-10 years) 0.38 0.10-1.44 0.156 0.13 0.02-0.73 0.020
Highest (10+ years) Ref.
<2 Ref. Ref.
≥2 1.18 0.54-2.57 0.675
Gestational age (wks) at time of delivery 0.80 0.72-0.89 <0.0001
<37 weeks 2.2 1.21-4.12 0.011 2.5 1.13-5.54 0.024
≥37 weeks Ref. Ref.