Table 4: The means and standard deviations for internet problems (IAT), depression (BDI), fatigue, (HADS), sleep problems (EES) and internet activities according Internet Addict and normal students (N=1,189).
*Two sided p values based on Chi square for categorical and student t test for the quantitative variables.
**Multiple option and multivariable choice, percentages do not add to 100%.
Variables IA N=236 Normal N=953 *p -value significance
IAT Score (Mean ± SD) 73.50±4.41 55.48±7.10 0.001
BDI Score(Mean ± SD) 27.25±6.80 20.79±6.78 0.001
Fatigue physical symptoms 23.38±2.44 19.23±3.13 0.001
Fatigue mental symptoms 16.19±2.88 14.62±3.22 0.001
Epworth Sleepiness Score 13.58±4.82 12.71±4.47 0.013
Internet activities** n(%) n(%)
Gratifying Site 47(19.9) 111(11.6) 0.001
Games 91(38.6) 285(29.9) 0.010
Chat 70(29.7) 210(22.0) 0.013
Face book 47(19.9) 181(16.9) 0.274
Community 30(12.7) 125(13.1) 0.869
email 128(54.2) 588(61.7) 0.036
Research 144(61.0) 659(69.2) 0.017
Gambling 18(7.6) 54(5.7) 0.258
eBay shopping 26(11.0) 119(12.5) 0.537