Table 1: Mean availability scores per indicator by health facility level.
*Mean availability score for indicator = Sum of items present in facilities per indicator divided by the product of items per indicator and number of health facilities, multiplied by 100%
§Mean availability index = Mean of mean availability score for the indicators
Indicator Number of items per indicator *Mean availability score for health facilities
All N=20 Hospital/Level IV N=2 Level III N=6 Level II N=12
Newborn services: KMC and Resuscitation 2 42.5% 100% 83.3% 12.5%
Newborn sepsis drugs ( injectable gentamycin and ampicillin) 2 32.5% 75.0 % 67.0% 8.0%
Maternal and newborn services offered 12 47.5% 75.0% 70.8% 31.3%
Equipment and supplies 7 47.9% 71.4% 73.8% 30.9%
Infection control in delivery room 3 66.7% 66.7% 77.8% 61.1%
Space for newborn services 2 50.0 % 100.07% 83.3% 25.0%
Equipment and supplies in postnatal area 8 15.6% 0.0% 29.2% 11.5%
Maternal and newborn drugs 13 33.8% 92.3% 65.4% 12.8%
Protocol and guideline 6 20.0% 25% 19% 18%
Register and forms 8 52.5% 62.5% 62.5 43.8%
§ Mean availability index 39.7%. 57.5% 56.8% 28.3%