Table 1: Case 1, Case 2 and Case 3 comparision
Case I (NMO-Related) Case II (MS-Related) Case III (MS-Related)
Natural History Relapsing Remitting Relapsing Remitting Progressive
Ocular Anisocoria, RAPD on the left, Visual acuity was no light perception on the left eye and counting finger on visual Visual blurring with near total recovery after attacks Visual blurring with RAPD on the left pupil and bilateral CN VI palsy
Motor Paroxysmal Spasm.
Spastic quadriparesis worse in the lower limbs
Visual blurring with RAPD on the left pupil and bilateral CN VI palsy Right upper limb weakness
CSF analysis Faint oligo-clonal band Not done Pronounced Oligo-clonal band
Recovery Yes Near total
Spinal MRI Longitudinal extensive contiguous lesion >3 segments Lesions are 3 but not contiguous Extensive contiguous lesion <3 segment
Brain MRI Clean brain and not fulfilling Barkhof criteria Increased signal intensity in the region of centrum semiovale on flair sequence Increased signal intensity in the region of centrum semiovale and peri-ventricular area on flair sequence
Dissemination in Time Yes Yes No
Dissemination in Space Yes Yes