Table 4: Raw Scores, T Scores and Percentile Ranks Obtained by Mr A and the Controls on the HVLT-R.
Note: Standard deviations for the controls are displayed in brackets. * Represents values outside of1 SD from the mean of the controls. ** Represents values outside of 2 SD from the mean of the controls. *** Represents values outside of 3 SD from the mean of the controls. $Normative data associated with the MCCB is stratified by education in addition to age and gender (Kern et al., 2008). %Percentiles derived from Z scores calculated using averages and standard deviations from (age stratified) normative data (Benedict et al., 1998).§Percentiles provided by Benedict et al. (1998) were approximations because they were rounded to the nearest whole number. This index was not normally distributed in the normative sample; hence precise Z scores were not calculated.
Mr A Controls
Raw Score T Score Percentile Average Raw Score Average T Score Average Percentile
Total Recall$ 20.00** 31.00** 2.90* 28.00 (3.61) 48.00 (7.21) 43.80 (25.37)
Immediate Recall Trial 1% 5.00* - 4.98 6.67 (1.15) - 24.32 (20.26)
Immediate Recall Trial 2% 7.00** - 2.68* 10.67 (1.53) - 61.05 (38.06)
Immediate Recall Trial 3% 8.00* - 0.78* 10.67 (1.53) - 45.60 (38.83)
Delayed Recall% 9.00 - 22.21 9.33 (1.15) - 27.87 (19.99)
Recognition Discrimination Index§ 10.00*** - ~16.00** 12.00 (0.00) - ~58.33 (14.43)