Table 3: Raw Scores, Scaled Scores and Percentile Ranks Obtained by Mr A and the Controls on the WMS-IV.
Note: Standard deviations for the controls are displayed in brackets. * Represents values outside of1 SD from the mean of the controls. ** Represents values outside of 2 SD from the mean of the controls. *** Represents values outside of 3 SD from the mean of the controls. $Percentiles for Logical Memory Recognition scores are presented as ranges due to highly skewed distributions in the normative sample (Wechsler, 2009b). Thus, the average percentile range of the controls was not calculated.
Mr A Controls
Raw Score Scaled Score Percentile Average Raw Score Average Scaled Score Average Percentile
Visual Working Memory Index - 94.00*** 34.00*** - 109.75 (5.12) 73.50 (11.27)
Spatial Addition 12.00*** 8.00*** 25.00*** 19.00 (2.16) 12.50 (1.29) 78.25 (12.09)
Symbol Span 25.00 10.00 50.00 28.25 (6.13) 10.75 (2.63) 57.50 (30.99)
Logical Memory I 35.00* 14.00* 91.00* 30.50 (4.43) 12.25 (1.50) 75.25 (14.43)
Logical Memory II 33.00* 14.00* 91.00* 28.00 (4.55) 12.00 (1.63) 72.75 (16.94)
Logical Memory Recognition$ 24.00* - 26-50 26.75 (2.22) - -
Visual Reproduction I 42.00 13.00 84.00 40.75 (2.06) 11.75 (1.71) 69.75 (17.46)
Visual Reproduction II 23.00* 8.00** 25.00** 33.25 (6.40) 10.75 (1.26) 59.50 (16.03)