Table 3: Main implicit measures in marketing communication and propositions to enhance their theoretical validity.
Propositions to enhance the theoretical validity of implicit measures Implicit measures most frequently used in marketing communication
Implicit measures are measurement methods that
  1. Avoid requiring introspective access,
  2. Decrease the mental control available to produce the response,
  3. Reduce the role of conscious intention,
  4. Reduce the role of self-reflective, deliberative processes.
Better understanding measured constructs by studying the links between explicit and implicit measures.
First-generation measures (non-computerized)
  • indirect test [107]
  • Process Dissociation Framework [108]
Better understanding error of measurement thanks to implicit measures: do they suppress context effects, intentional faking, demand awareness and social desirability?
Second-generation measures (computerized)
  • Priming [104]
  • Implicit Association Test [122] and Single Category IAT [116]
Studying the influence of marketing communication variables on measured constructs via implicit and explicit tests.